Blender: VRoid Studio Model Import in Blender

Blender: VRoid Studio Model Import in Blender

VRoid Studio is an excellent tool to create anime-styled 3D models. You can download the free software here.

In order to import a model into Blender, we need to export one from VRoid studio. To do that, we can select a character or create a new one. Then go through the menus until we have export where we save the file as a .vrm file.


In order to import the file into Blender, we can simply change the extension to .glb instead.

We can then import the file into Blender as a .glb. The rig and textures are maintained though your milage may vary.


The final result:


Thanks for checking out this short tutorial and feel free to message me on Twitter @thesamuraiwho if you have any questions!