Blender: View Control


In this tutorial, I present methods to control your view in Blender for modeling, animating, and more.

Orbit: MMB

Pan: Shift + MMB


  • Dolly in/zoom in: mouse scroll in (away from you) 
  • Dolly out/zoom out: mouse scroll out (towards you)


  • Shift + ` to enter freecam mode
  • wasd to move, hold shift to speed up, hold alt to slow down
  • Tab toggles gravity
  • v to jump
  • Exit freecam mode with left-click (to go back to before you entered freecam mode) or ESC (enter normal cam mode at the current view)


  • Ctrl + Alt + 0 → Sets user view as camera
  • Local view shows only selected objects.
  • View selected shows local view of selected objects.
  • . → Center the camera on selected object(s)
  • Button –> The configuration
  • Ctrl + Button –> Opposite view if possible

Emulated Numpad

  • For use with keyboards without a numpad where the standard number keys are used in their place.
  • Edit → Preferences → Input → Emulate Numpad
